15 Web Design Trends In 2023 That Top Website Designers Are Utilising

Just as cars, architecture, and fashion all have to change with the times, so does web design, which is why, if you were to look at websites created in 2003 and compare those created in 2023, you would see many differences. Some of those differences result from improved technology, some result from what it takes to get ranked highly changing, and most of all, the differences are due to inevitable changes in web design trends over the years.

To a great extent, the trends we are referring to will derive from how web designers now envisage how a website should appear. However, there will be other reasons. We have already mentioned technology and Google rankings, but in addition, mobile device use has had a big impact on web design, as does users’ expectations of what they expect to see and find when they land on a website today.

Some trend changes are minuscule and often barely noticed as they occur within the website’s coding, and others are wholesale, where they change entirely how websites are designed. There will also be differences in the importance these trends have to website performance. To give you an insight into what web design trends are currently to the fore in 2023, here are 15 that many top web designers are now including in their website creations. Read More

7 Proven Tactics For Jewellery Stores To Boost Their Customer Numbers

No matter what their store size, the number of stores they have, or their location, there is one thing that is common amongst all jewellers, and that is the desire for more customers. Without a steady stream of new customers a jewellers business, or indeed, any business, is on the retreat and ultimately may find itself in a position where it is no longer a sustainable business.
The good news is that there is no shortage of methods for a jewellery store to attract new customers, either through its doors or through its website. To help you seize those opportunities, here are seven tactics to attract more customers to your jewellery business. Read More

10 Ways The Latest Web Design Techniques Can Boost User Experience On Your Website

In the not-so-distant past, many believed web design was all about simply how a website appeared on-screen and nothing more. However, with Google’s pursuit of optimal user experiences for those who use its search engine, it quickly becomes clear that appearance alone will do little to help a website’s rankings and subsequent performance.

The term ‘user experience’ (UX) is now very much at the forefront of every web designer’s mind when they are designing websites. Whilst many might say that is purely to keep Google happy, the reality is that good web design that creates websites that visitors will like and enjoy will in turn, show Google that a website deserves a higher ranking anyway.

Besides, suppose a website design is catering for its users. In that case, it should follow that those users will stay on the website longer, follow the calls to action that exist there, and are far more likely to return to that website and recommend it to others.

Getting a website to a point where users are provided with an enhanced experience relies greatly on the website’s design. Several web design techniques can help website designers achieve this objective, and here are ten of them that most of today’s web designers will consider using. Read More

7 Tips To Help Your Homepage Be More Engaging

The homepage is arguably the most important of all the pages within a website that web designers create.

Given that most visitors to a business website land on the homepage first, this page has the job of instantly connecting and engaging with visitors. If it does so, it will keep those visitors on the site, hopefully with them then taking the desired action. If not, they will click away almost immediately and likely never return.

With this in mind, website owners must ensure that when their business website is being designed, they know what elements should be included on the homepage to maximise visitor engagement. To help them, we have selected some of the most effective ways of doing so in the seven tips outlined below. Read More

10 Ways To Ensure Every Blog Post You Write Is SEO-Friendly

One of the types of content that is extremely effective in helping with website SEO in the pursuit of better search engine rankings is blog posts. You can create a blog post on any subject, it can be as long or as short as you wish, and if optimised correctly, it can help boost rankings on search engines.

Although writing a blog post is not difficult, if it is to be used as part of an SEO campaign, it requires more than just tapping the words on a keyboard. There are several ways to ensure that the published blog post is not only an excellent piece of content worth reading but also SEO friendly and thus contributes positively to helping the website it is published on rank higher on search engines.

Here are ten of those ways.

Plan Every Blog Post Properly: This relates to not just thinking about what you are going to write about, important though that is. It is also about planning the SEO aspects of your blog post, such as what keywords you are going to use, where you are going to include them, and also if there is going to be a call to action within your blog post to encourage readers to take action once they have read it. Read More
