If you had the choice as to where you wanted to build a brand new house for you and your family, you would presumably locate it in an area known to be secure and free from the risk of crime. That same principle applies when it comes to where you wish to locate your website, only this time it is not a physical location you are selecting, but a hosting company. At first, it might seem that barring a few variables to pricing, server disc space and bandwidth, most hosting companies seem pretty much all alike. That might be how it appears, but it is an assumption that can have huge implications for the security of your website. We say that because one of the key ways you can differentiate between hosting companies is the security protocols and features that they offer. Whilst no hosting company can give you a cast-iron guarantee that you will never be hacked, what they can at least have in place is the appropriate type and number of security features that will minimise the risk as much as possible. As for what those essential hosting security features are, here are some of the main ones you should expect them to have. Network Monitoring One of the ways a hosting company can guard against hacking attacks is to have a network management team constantly monitor their network. This will quickly identify any attacks as they occur and allow them to take preventative action as soon as it occurs Firewalls Whilst you may know about firewalls protecting your home computer or laptop, you might not be aware they can also protect hosting servers. if you think about it, a hosting server is basically a huge computer, albeit with infinitely more memory space than the device you are currently using to read this. By having firewalls in place, hosting companies can fend off and block connections from those who mean them harm.

A website has a lot of information that has to be accumulated from different sources to present a whole picture. The importance of databases in the working of a website cannot be understated. A website must access a database for recording and generating orders, customer information, and product specifications. There are a number of databases that are available for the purpose, depending on the type and volume of data that may be presented. Microsoft Access is one of the simplest databases available. The software is relatively inexpensive and may be offered free by web hosts. It is easy to operate and master for average skilled webmasters. MS Access provides highly flexible data management solutions in the market. The user-friendly tools are helpful for smaller websites, in the beginning, to manage their data in a simpler way. The advantage is that the database can be converted into MS SQL format whenever the need arises. MS Access database is best suited for desktop applications, serving a restricted amount of users at a time. Access offers compatibility with the systems used by home-based users. Sending copies of the database to individual clients is easier with Access. Most people commonly use access, it is not necessary to install SQL on all user machines. MS Access is a local database that cannot be accessed from remote locations. The intuitive GUI system enables quick design applications. Any modifications to the database is done locally and uploaded to web server. This becomes cumbersome after the size of information crosses certain limits, leading to longer processing time. MS Access offers limited security for the database content than other systems.
The Internet is considered to be the fastest medium of communication that is available for general use all over the world. Hence, clients seeking web hosting services were initially well served through host servers anywhere. However, the Internet revolution has occurred and chugged along lopsidedly. While there has been rapid growth in computer density, Internet connectivity, bandwidth expansion, and information transfer in the Western world, the Eastern parts still play to catch up. This factor is important in response time, efficiency, and security across the Internet. The rapid advancement in Internet use in America and Europe has put enormous pressure on their local networks. Websites that are located on both these continents are accessed vigorously by local as well as international clients. This reduces the speed of data transfer and often leads to server crashes. There has been an attempt to reduce such overloads by introducing cloud-hosting techniques. The computer and Internet density surge across Asia has matched this. Most servers involved in virtual networks are still located in the Western hemisphere, defeating their purpose. With the growth of web hosting businesses, there has also been a rampant increase in unscrupulous hosts, who may indulge in plain cheating and theft of information. The absence of stronger laws regarding Internet use and applications has prevented the development of the hosting industry in Asia. The archaic laws prevent bandwidth expansion in most parts of Asia, and hence webmasters find it suitable to base their sites with servers in America or Europe. But, the number of routers over which users in the fast-developing parts of Asia and Oceania are enormous. This greatly reduces the speed of data transfer and impedes online transactions. Most of the southern countries like Australia are linked through cables through Asia. This negates the better bandwidth and infrastructure available in these countries.
Australia has various web hosting service providers based on different platforms. This has expanded the options available locally for Australian web admins. The web space open depends on the other plans that are opted for by the clients. Modern web hosting services provide free website space and regular site services. This is usually an add-on service to others the client is already using. Customers can use the area online and upload as many features as required. This has given a shot in the arm to host services that may not be the cheapest available. Customers are guaranteed the best services, along with free space. The latest offers by web hosts are a combination of options the client must sort out. The quantity of data transfer should not be compromised while enhancing other features. The possibilities often include limited email accounts, limited MySql databases, a high data transfer range, and smaller storage spaces. The client should clearly understand the targeted audience and an estimated amount of data transfer. Clients, who deal individually through each customer, would find it difficult to manage on such servers when the number of email accounts grows beyond certain limits. Small sites that are retailers for items may find the data transfer rate overwhelming within a few months of launch. Hence, according to the situation, such clients must be on the lookout for changing their service plans. Information can avail of very high data transfer features for sites with a fixed range of space occupied by the web.

There has been a massive advancement in the web hosting business regarding technology and business processes. The notable features were the launch of cloud computing techniques in February 2008 and the rapid growth of the virtualization method. The spurt in such services has been due to the insatiable demand for space. Cloud computing involves the use of a vast number of servers across many locations. This removes the dependence on a single computer’s memory, performance and RAM. The spread across servers guarantees an almost unlimited space for data storage or memory required for transfer. There is always an average range of web space between which a host’s computers are used daily. This provides ample free space for users to exchange and store data. This hosting method ensures the purchase of unlimited computing power from an inexhaustible source, as needed. Also, any up-gradation or scaling down can be done without any server shutdown. The hardware maintenance and replacements are unlikely to affect the overall speed and performance. The load balancing required is done at the software level and is spread across multiple servers. Small and medium-scale businesses that cannot manage surges in traffic flow can effectively use cloud hosting. The system ensures an even spread of traffic load and prevents breakdown due to excess crowding onto a single source. The failure of any server is also well compensated by others, thus ensuring an uninterrupted flow of information.