If you had the choice as to where you wanted to build a brand new house for you and your family, you would presumably locate it in an area known to be secure and free from the risk of crime. That same principle applies when it comes to where you wish to locate your website, only this time it is not a physical location you are selecting, but a hosting company. At first, it might seem that barring a few variables to pricing, server disc space and bandwidth, most hosting companies seem pretty much all alike. That might be how it appears, but it is an assumption that can have huge implications for the security of your website. We say that because one of the key ways you can differentiate between hosting companies is the security protocols and features that they offer. Whilst no hosting company can give you a cast-iron guarantee that you will never be hacked, what they can at least have in place is the appropriate type and number of security features that will minimise the risk as much as possible. As for what those essential hosting security features are, here are some of the main ones you should expect them to have. Network Monitoring One of the ways a hosting company can guard against hacking attacks is to have a network management team constantly monitor their network. This will quickly identify any attacks as they occur and allow them to take preventative action as soon as it occurs Firewalls Whilst you may know about firewalls protecting your home computer or laptop, you might not be aware they can also protect hosting servers. if you think about it, a hosting server is basically a huge computer, albeit with infinitely more memory space than the device you are currently using to read this. By having firewalls in place, hosting companies can fend off and block connections from those who mean them harm.

While all our web design contracts are coveted, Sam Sorgiovanni is a contract we are delighted to have in our pocket. One of the World’s premier yacht designers Sam Sorgiovanni and his company Sorgiovanni Designs is updating their online profile to be inline with their World class yacht designs. Our skills and experience in the areas of web design, digital marketing, social media and Google Ads campaigns mean that Sam Sorgiovanni and Sorgiovanni Designs have the best advice available in all digital marketing elements. 2017 is a year that holds significance for Sam Sorgiovanni as it marks 20 years since he decided to follow his dream to open his own design studio in Fremantle, WA. Sorgiovanni Design Studios offers design services for bespoke luxury yachts, with the inspiration for the designs often emanating from the clients as they share their dreams and aspirations with Sorgiovanni. He, along with a team of highly experienced professionals offer many services including interior and exterior yacht design, residential and transport design and project management, with all that they entail. Sorgiovanni travels the world to consult with his clients and to find out just what they want in a yacht. He also consults with many major shipbuilders worldwide and many of the beautiful resort style super yachts have benefitted from his expertise. It is many years since he attained his BA in Industrial Design and went to work for the Australian ship builders Oceanfast. He worked for them for 12 years and during that time gained valuable knowledge and world-wide experience, being mentored by Jon Bannenberg, another famous name in yacht design. All that experience has been put to good use in working for himself and designing super luxury yachts of all sizes.

These Web Design Mistakes Are Common but Completely Avoidable When a visitor comes to your website, your first priority should be to engage them and grab their attention so that they convert from prospect to customer. With this aim in mind, you might feel overwhelmed and make a few mistakes. While we all live and learn, these mistakes can cost you hundreds of dollars within hours – a luxury you cannot afford. Having a not-so-better understanding of your target audience and focusing more on appearance rather than content are some of the common web design mistakes made by business owners every day, causing enormous loss of money. 1. Rushing the Job without Doing Any Research The first step is to be patient and focus more on web design concerning the target audience instead of pondering the time it takes to get the website online. If you define your target market before starting with the design, you can find out the direction you’ll be heading. Now, plan your whole design around this research. For example, at this point in time, you need to know the age, gender, buying power, problems, needs, etc. of your audience. Do not think about how much time is spent in the initial phases; your website will be your online identity, and your patience will be worth it.

Australia’s #1 brand of automatic pool cleaners, Kreepy Krauly has picked Slinky Digital as it’s digital marketing and design partner. Kreepy Krauly systems are manufactured from top quality materials and are widely considered to be the most robust and reliable of all the automatic pool cleaners available on the Australian market today. The Australian-made, Kreepy Krauly is built to deliver years of continuous use. The Slinky Group are very excited to be working with Kreepy Krauly where our services will include Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Ads marketing and our premium web development services.

A website has a lot of information that has to be accumulated from different sources to present a whole picture. The importance of databases in the working of a website cannot be understated. A website must access a database for recording and generating orders, customer information, and product specifications. There are a number of databases that are available for the purpose, depending on the type and volume of data that may be presented. Microsoft Access is one of the simplest databases available. The software is relatively inexpensive and may be offered free by web hosts. It is easy to operate and master for average skilled webmasters. MS Access provides highly flexible data management solutions in the market. The user-friendly tools are helpful for smaller websites, in the beginning, to manage their data in a simpler way. The advantage is that the database can be converted into MS SQL format whenever the need arises. MS Access database is best suited for desktop applications, serving a restricted amount of users at a time. Access offers compatibility with the systems used by home-based users. Sending copies of the database to individual clients is easier with Access. Most people commonly use access, it is not necessary to install SQL on all user machines. MS Access is a local database that cannot be accessed from remote locations. The intuitive GUI system enables quick design applications. Any modifications to the database is done locally and uploaded to web server. This becomes cumbersome after the size of information crosses certain limits, leading to longer processing time. MS Access offers limited security for the database content than other systems.